Episode 2
2 - Charging!
This is Episode 2 and on our podcast today we’ll be talking about Charging and the future for companies like Polar, Ecotricity and Gridserve. Something of a hot topic just at the moment.
Many thanks to the people we interviewed for this podcast: Emma Jackman, Neil Roberts, John Launder, Dean Snelling and Mike Stanton.
Emma Jackman’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjwrlri5bMy9XfCulIA_MFA
Neil Roberts (Sussex EVs): https://www.sussexevs.co.uk/
Dean Snelling : https://twitter.com/SnellingDean
Mike Stanton: https://twitter.com/MrMikeStanton
Cool things
Electrek debunking of BrusselsTimes article: https://electrek.co/2019/04/22/study-electric-cars-dirtier-diesel-debunked/
Social media
Simon Roe : Twitter: https://twitter.com/theevside and Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWjTTQM5s3W3J9sXL0KMcw
Gary Comerford: https://twitter.com/TheRealGaryC